Estimating sediment erosion of a centrifugal dredge pump’s impeller
Sediment erosion is a phenomenon of mechanical wear of components that decreases efficiency and uptime of the dredging process. Dredge pumps are designed to handle mixtures of water and solid particles with varying particle size from less than 0.002 mm to greater than 200 mm. A dredge pump’s overall effectivity in the field depends upon its uptime. Uptime is influenced by the number of times the pumping process is interrupted, which can be due to maintenance combating the material loss, clogging, etc. This research deals with the erosion phenomena by considering a framework of numerical models, capable of qualitative and quantitative erosion estimation, coupled with experiments for validation. Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) is used for surface roughness measurement before and after the experiment, thus depicting the material loss due to erosion.

Suman Sapkota wins the IADC Young Author Award 2022
IADC bestowed the Young Author Award 2022 to Suman Sapkota. The award is given annually to “stimulate the promotion of new ideas and encourage younger men and women in the dredging industry”.

Edwin de Hoog wins the IADC Young Author Award 2021
IADC bestowed the Young Author Award 2021 to Edwin de Hoog. The award is given annually to “stimulate the promotion of new ideas and encourage younger men and women in the dredging industry”.

Mapping water quality with drones: test case in Texel
Winning co-author Liesbeth De Keukelaere the Young Author Award, an article about the pilot test case organised at the Prins Hendrik Zanddijk project in Texel, The Netherlands, demonstrating drone technology for water quality monitoring.

Numerical investigation of the head and unsteady flow characteristics of a dredge pump loading high-concentration sands
The head of a dredge pump is an important performance parameter and a strongly fluctuating head may affect the operating stability of the pump unit. The IADC Young Author’s Award paper analyses unsteady characteristics of pump performance to improve control of the dredge pump.

IADC Young Author Award 2015
Rudy Helmons won the IADC Young Author Award at the CEDA Dredging Days 2015 conference at Ahoy Rotterdam on 6 November, 2015, for his paper “Modelling The Effect of Water Depth on Rock Cutting Processes with the Use of Discrete Element Method“.

And IADC’s Young Author Award 2018 goes to…
The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) bestowed the Young Author Award 2018 to François De Keuleneer.

IADC ‘s activities are all part of an on-going effort to support clients, consultants and others in understanding the fundamental principles of dredging and maritime construction.