Confined Disposal Facilities are an important solution for managing contaminated sediments that cannot be sufficiently cleaned for re-use.
Dredged material disposal
The appropriate disposal of dredged material from navigation, maintenance and remediation projects is almost always an important issue when determining the feasibility of a project. This is true of clean as well as contaminated dredged material. While many methods exist to clean contaminated materials, sometimes it is not possible to clean them sufficiently for reuse.
Clean vs unclean dredged material
Most dredged materials are clean. However, in projects where dredged material is contaminated and cannot be cleaned, this material poses an unacceptable risk to the surrounding waters and land. In these cases, finding a suitable site for placing dredged materials is a crucial part of the management of a dredging project and needs to be planned well in advance of the start of the project.
Confined Disposal Facilities
A Confined Disposal Facility, sometimes called a confined placement facility, is an area specifically designed for the containment of contaminated dredged material that provides control of potential releases of contaminants to the environment.
Dikes or other structures may be used to isolate dredged material both in upland and aquatic Confined Disposal Facilities. The main, basic objective for a Confined Disposal Facility is to retain dredge material solids which are not clean and allow the discharge of clean process water from the confined area. This maximises the amount of solids that can be stored and the lifetime of the storage facility.
- Building with Nature
- Climate Change
- CO2 & Other Emissions / Greenhouse Gases
- Coastal Protection
- Confined Disposal Facilities
- Coral Reefs
- Deltas
- Ecosystem Services
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Monitoring and Management Plans
- Flood Defence
- Management Practices for the Environment
- Mangroves
- Remediation dredging (Contaminated sediments)
- Sustainability
- Turbidity
- Underwater Sound
- Wetlands