Jonathan Taylor
With over 30 years’ experience in marine environmental sciences, Jonathan has broad expertise in coastal and offshore oceanographic and geophysical surveying. He has held research positions at the Universities of Birmingham, Southampton, East Anglia, Greenwich and Sussex in coastal physical oceanography. Jonathan’s research interests include marine environmental data management, acoustic remote sensing, data telemetry, coastal oceanography and sediment dynamics.
Articles By Jonathan Taylor
Evaluation of a nature-based agitation dredging solution
The challenge of maintaining harbours and ports while conserving and sustaining coastal habitats, with all the rich resources they provide, requires that port and harbours do more to develop approaches to maintenance dredging that provide benefit to these neighbouring habitats. In this article, we describe an example from Harwich Harbour in the UK where Harwich Haven Authority (the Conservancy Authority) is looking to move to a more nature-based maintenance dredging methodology, using agitation dredging. Using the results of monitoring and sophisticated numerical modelling, we evaluate the likely benefit to the Stour/Orwell intertidal areas arising from the use of the agitation dredging.