Thomas Vijverberg

Thomas Vijverberg is currently working as deputy manager at Hydronamic (Boskalis engineering department). He is responsible for the Environmental, Morphology and Metocean Data group. He started working for Boskalis in 2016. He has a background in Civil Engineering (specialisation coastal engineering / morphology (fine sediments)). After his graduation, he worked for Royal HaskoningDHV as a consultant from 2008 until 2016.
Articles By Thomas Vijverberg

Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects

Soft mud: field performance related to lab experiments, modelling and analysis of time-dependent processes affecting consolidation
Self-weight consolidation plays a major role in the creation of land using mud, the ripening of mud layers and, also, in the storage of contaminated mud and slurries in ponds.

Can a lake’s ecology be restored with unwanted sediment?
In collaboration with the Natuurmonumenten (the Dutch Society for the Preservation of Nature), Boskalis constructed the Marker Wadden. The archipelago situated within the Markermeer enables processes which revitalise the natural ecology.