Shaun Nicholson

Shaun is an aquatic environmental scientist with over 20 years consultancy and regulatory experience. He has extensive international experience and has led projects in the UK, Ireland, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Macau, China and St Helena. He is presently the Head of Strategic Marine Licensing at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), responsible for technical advice to the licensing team, managing the training framework and internal audit, briefing ministers and strategic advice to policy officials. Shaun has managed a diverse range of marine casework including offshore renewable energy installations (wind, wave, tidal), nuclear new builds, carbon capture and storage, pipelines, cables and interconnectors, sewerage infrastructure, port and harbour developments and marine aggregates.
Articles By Shaun Nicholson

Regulation and management of marine aggregate dredging in England
Marine dredged sand and gravel make an important contribution to regional supplies of building materials used in England. Marine aggregate dredging however, is known to result in effects to the receiving environment which, if not properly controlled, could cause adverse impacts to a wide range of receptors. As the marine area around England gets busier, competition for space comes with regulatory challenges and an integrated marine management approach that uses a robust planning system is required. This article discusses the regulation of aggregate dredging in England and provides an overview of the sector’s importance in providing primary aggregate.