Ruud A.W.M. Henkes

In 1985, Ruud Henkes obtained an MSc (Hons) in Aerospace Engineering from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in the the Netherlands. He gained a PhD (Hons) in fluid flow and heat transfer in 1990 at the same university. Associate Professor Aerodynamics at TU Delft until 1997, he then joined the multiphase flow team of the Shell Technology Centre in Amsterdam. Ruud has held various roles as team lead and principal technical expert (Fluid Flow) at Shell. Since 2008, he has combined a (part-time) full professorship in multiphase flow at TU Delft and as of 2021 holds the position of Scientific Director of the J.M. Burgerscentrum for Fluid Mechanics.
Articles By Ruud A.W.M. Henkes

Estimating sediment erosion of a centrifugal dredge pump’s impeller
Sediment erosion is a phenomenon of mechanical wear of components that decreases efficiency and uptime of the dredging process. Dredge pumps are designed to handle mixtures of water and solid particles with varying particle size from less than 0.002 mm to greater than 200 mm. A dredge pump’s overall effectivity in the field depends upon its uptime. Uptime is influenced by the number of times the pumping process is interrupted, which can be due to maintenance combating the material loss, clogging, etc. This research deals with the erosion phenomena by considering a framework of numerical models, capable of qualitative and quantitative erosion estimation, coupled with experiments for validation. Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) is used for surface roughness measurement before and after the experiment, thus depicting the material loss due to erosion.