Carolien Wegman

Carolien works at the department of Rivers, Coasts and Deltas at HKV. Her main field of work are the hydrodynamics and morphology of coastal areas. Natural processes fascinate her, which is why she focuses her work on nature-based solutions. When designing such solutions the focus is not only on preventing erosion or flooding but to take all other aspects of an area into account as well, such as livelihood and ecology.
Articles By Carolien Wegman

The impact and costs of Building with Nature projects
The use of nature and natural processes is an innovative way to increase water safety and create added value through nature development and recreation. This exploratory study provides an initial inventory of the impact and costs of existing Building with Nature projects in the Netherlands. It also includes an analysis of the decision-making process in choosing this type of project and identifies success factors. Building with Nature projects deliver added value but often also involve additional costs compared to traditional reinforcements. These costs give an indication of what we as a society are prepared to pay for the development of nature and recreation as part of hydraulic engineering projects.