Valérie Biernaux

Valérie is Account Manager Sediments and Dredging at Antea Group Belgium. She obtained her MSc in Physical Geography at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2002 and has a postgraduate diploma in Dredging Engineering. After working for DEME and as a marine scientist for consultancies in Australia, her work focusses on the development of activities in line with resilient coasts and rivers. She has a special interest in innovative coastal protection and in the reuse and beneficial use of dredged materials.
Articles By Valérie Biernaux

The responsible project: A view on social licence
In today’s world, expectations for sustainable practices are fast becoming the norm. Countries, the public and communities are requesting transparency, the application of higher environmental standards and involvement in decision-making processes when new developments in a marine environment are proposed. Marine infrastructure projects not only require environmental permits and works licences to be in place, they also need a Social Licence to Operate (SLO). This article describes the social licence in this fast-changing context of information and technology, and explores tools that can be used to develop a ‘responsible project’ and provide a successful and sustainable outcome for society and the environment.