Ine Moulaert

Ine is a marine scientist with 18 years of experience in both the public and private sector. As an environmental engineer at Jan De Nul, she was responsible for the environmental management on offshore, coastal and estuarine projects worldwide, including research and innovation projects on nature-based solutions. Ine currently works as Blue Innovation Officer at the Flemish Marine Institute in Ostend where she targets the validation of marine scientific research and knowledge into innovative business solutions for sustainable coastal management and marine infrastructure projects in general.
Articles By Ine Moulaert

Applying the ecosystem services concept in marine projects
A full consideration of ecosystem services (ES) impacts, interactions and improvements can result in more sustainable and adaptive solutions for dredging and marine construction projects. Furthermore, the benefits can be translated in monetary terms, providing returns on investment and highlighting the links between ecology and economy. For some however, the ES concept is too theoretical. This article seeks to show how the ES concept can actively be applied at any point during a project and the benefits of doing so. Its purpose is to provide a framework for integrated and interdisciplinary thinking throughout the different steps of the project cycle.

Dredging in New Caledonia at a Unesco-IUCN World Heritage Site with Care for Nature
Dredging for a new port complex in a remarkable, protected marine environment required adherence to very specific thresholds and an intensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that included mobile monitoring as well as daily visual observations of turbidity levels around the dredging works and the disposal zone.