Audrey van Mastrigt

Audrey is a marine ecologist working with Royal HaskoningDHV with a broad range of experience in coastal and marine development projects. She obtained an MSc in Marine Biology at the University of Groningen in 2013. Her aim is to develop solutions that minimise the impact on the environment and where possible contribute to improving and restoring it. Her area of expertise is conducting ecological impact assessments for port developments, offshore oil and gas and renewables. She is also involved in policy evaluations and monitoring programmes of marine and coastal projects.
Articles By Audrey van Mastrigt

Balancing project progress and limited system knowledge in Amatique Bay
The development of a new marine project demands a system approach in which all aspects, including technical, economic, environmental and social, are considered and integrated equally and at an early stage. While insufficient information may be available to make informed decisions, choices need to be made to progress a project, assess impacts and risks, and engage stakeholders. This article explores the case of a new port terminal in Amatique Bay, Guatemala. A method was developed to assess, at an early stage, the potential negative impacts on seagrass habitats from the disposal of dredged material at different locations, while having limited real-time and location-specific information at hand.