10th nomination: Joint venture Jan De Nul and DEME − ‘Pipeline walkway’
For the AMORAS project, funded by the Flemish Department of Mobility and Public Works (Maritime Access), SeReAnt (a joint venture between Jan De Nul and DEME) co-designed and delivered a floating pipeline of roughly 200 meters equipped with a walkway to facilitate transfer of personnel to a CSD. The pipeline and walkway are rotating and hinged, and also serve as a hang-up system for the high-voltage electric cable powering the CSD.

Project description
In the AMORAS project, funded by the Flemish Department of Mobility and Public Works (Maritime Access), dredged material from the Antwerp harbor docks is processed. At the project site near the Lillobridge, an underwater cell is constructed to serve as a temporary buffer for the sediment, before it is pumped to the shore by an electric CSD. CSD personnel works in a 5 days a week, 16h per day (2 shifts of 8h) regime, having to make a daily transfer on and off the CSD. SeReAnt, a joint venture between Jan De Nul and DEME, co-designed and delivered a floating pipeline of roughly 200 meters equipped with a walkway to facilitate the safe (and healthy) transfer of personnel to the CSD. The pipeline and walkway are hinged and able to rotate, and also serve as a hang-up system for the high-voltage electric cable powering the CSD.
The design eliminates the need of a vessel for a marine transfer from shore to the nearby dredger. The risk of falling into the water during a transfer is therefore also diminished. Rubber, elastic straps at the rotating points insure a safe passage over the rotating points of the walkway.
SeReAnt, in close cooperation with the constructor of the pipeline, has delivered an innovative, multifunctional floating pipeline that allows for: (1) the pumping of dredged material to shore, (2) the safe and healthy transfer of personnel on and off a CSD and (3) power connection from shore to the CSD.
The walkway provides a unique way to transfer personnel from ship to shore and can be used during any weather conditions where CTVs are limited. The multifunctional floating pipeline both decreases the risk of falling into the water and provides a positive impact on fuel consumption and CO2 emission compared to traditional methods of marine transfer.
9th nomination: Rhosonics Analytical − ‘Non-nuclear Slurry Density Meter (SDM)’
The Rhosonics’ SDM density meter is an ultrasonic-based measuring instrument that can determine the slurry density in real-time to check the amount of solids in a liquid.

Project description
The Rhosonics Slurry Density Meters (SDM) are a new sustainable solution for the mineral processing industry. The ultrasonic-based measuring instrument can determine the slurry density in real-time to check the amount of solids in a liquid. This non-nuclear measuring instrument is compact and can be used to determine densities in all kinds of solids/water mixtures. Its application is relevant for dredging, mineral processing and construction and tunnelling companies.
The innovative way of measuring slurry densities is challenging the status quo, which are the radiation-based instruments that are currently being used in the industry. In the last decade, Rhosonics has made significant effort to become known in the industry and prove the reliability of the ultrasonic technology for density measurement based on the acoustic impedance (first introduced by Rhosonics in 2007). In 2020, the Rhosonics SDM became winner of the ‘Environmental Impact’ category in the mining excellence awards.
More than 10 years of experience with harsh applications has been used to develop this high-end device. All of Rhosonics R&D effort allowed for the creation of the SDM, an eco-friendly density meter capable of measuring the density of challenging water-based slurries. For many years, nuclear devices were the only option. Nowadays, the non-nuclear SDM is used to replace radiation-based devices. Dredgers, miners and construction companies are using the eco-friendly Rhosonics SDM technology to replace the conventional nuclear density meters. In this way, they can improve on-site operation by increasing safety and reducing the administration workload associated to radiation devices, such as licenses, radiation leakage tests and other compulsory tasks.
The Rhosonics SDM operates in the same accuracy and repeatability ranges as the nuclear density gauges, however the device is safe to use, can easily being calibrated and has a more compact design. For radiation safety reasons, the nuclear source is located in a capsule surrounded by a source holder (a radiation protection shielding). This shielding is usually made of lead and can weight up to 500 kilos or more to protect the employees working with those instruments. The SDM is always the same weight, which is only 6,8 kilos and the size is very compact as well, since it is an all-in-one design. The transmitter and transducer are connected by a tri-clamp, therefore no cables are used in between the SDM sensor and analyser.
The SDM is a real game-changer for slurry density measurement applications, especially in the mining and dredging industries, where it is increasingly being used to optimise processes. When nuclear density gauges are not being handled correctly, this causes immediate safety issues on-site. Usually a RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) is required to be on-site for calibration tasks etc., which is not needed using the Rhosonics SDM, improving the ease-of-use significantly.
8th nomination: Jan De Nul − ‘Aerial Drone to monitor excavation works of soil containing asbestos’
Jan De Nul’s use of aerial drones to monitor the excavation works of soil contaminated with asbestos ensured the topographical surveyor was positioned at a safe location, eliminating the risk of exposure to asbestos.

Project description
Jan De Nul employed the use of aerial drones to monitor the excavation works of soil contaminated with asbestos. The main driver being the safety of the topographical surveyor who was positioned at a safe location, eliminating the risk of exposure to the asbestos. An excavation operation is typically monitored by topographical surveyors. By using an aerial drone, possible SIMOPS with heavy equipment is avoided. Additionally, the topographical surveyor does not need to walk or work on contaminated soil.
An existing survey technique: the photogrammetric survey, which creates a three-dimensional model from a set of images based on stereo photogrammetry. for large land areas and infrastructure projects has now been applied on a drone. Previously, the photos were taken using an expensive aircraft. The photogrammetry survey technique became very cost effective by using a low-cost platform.
Furthermore, JDN improved the workflow for photogrammetry with aerial drones:
- Measurements are linked to the drone’s positioning, which avoids the installation of several ground control points;
- The measurements are loaded on a dedicated server that runs automatic routines to process the data; and
- The end result is a report with a clear error budget and digital terrain model.
The use of drones in such activities is part of Jan De Nul’s QHSSE values: to provide a safe environment for all persons working for or on behalf of Jan De Nul Group, taking into account physical and mental health. What makes this innovation unique is that the project team did not rely on standard survey procedures, but preferred a solution that guaranteed the safety and health of the topographical surveyor. Using this technique is relatively easy and can be used after a day’s in-house training. If authorities allow the use of drones, this technique can be used everywhere and in various applications where accessibility for the surveyor is not easy and/or in dangerous project areas, such as:
- reclamation areas;
- breakwater construction;
- tidal areas; and
- stockpiles.
The drone set makes use of Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning. RTK is the application of surveying to correct for common errors in current satellite navigation (GNSS) systems which relies on a single reference base station or on a virtual base position derived from a network of stations. With a minimal investment of around EUR 4.700 for the RTK drone set, a lot of health and safety issues were resolved or eliminated, which makes this innovation priceless.
7th nomination: Joint venture Dredging International & Van Oord − ‘CSD mobilisation at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic’
Protecting the health of employees during a worldwide pandemic through practical and system measures so project works could continue as planned.

Project description
On 15 March 2020, the Polish government closed its borders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Europe. Poland was one of the first countries in the European Union to completely close both its internal and external borders. At the time, with the start of the pandemic and the situation uncertain, it appeared impossible to continue with project activities. Nevertheless, the joint-venture team of Dredging International and Van Oord managed to mobilise a cutter suction dredger (CSD) to the ‘Modernization of the Świnoujście – Szczecin fairway to a depth of 12.5 m’ project site to begin dredging and reclamation activities.
With increased protection measures for personnel, to be able to mobilise a CSD and carry out activities during the uncertainties of the early days of the pandemic was a difficult and unique undertaking. Implementation of increased measures to protect the health of persons at a time when there was not yet a standard practice and no clear information on the actual exposure risks, made the task extremely difficult.
In preparation for works to continue, a thorough investigation of the pandemic situation and health risks at the location of the project location was carried out. Analysis of measures and restrictions put in place by authorities had to also be carefully considered. Determining how to implement the required mitigation measures, i.e. cooperation with authorities, medical facilities, special travel arrangements, etc. all needed to be organised. A summarised plan was made and shared with all personnel prior to travelling to the project site.
The project was able to have staff enter Poland, even though the borders were closed, which resulted in continuation of the project instead of work coming to a halt. Implementation and strict follow up of the determined measures were maintained throughout the project duration. During a 12-month period, the project managed to continue without any delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID tests, extra transport, masks, disinfectants, etc. ran at a cost of EUR 25,000 per month, starting April 2020, for a large-scale project of approximately 300 personnel.
Hyundai introduce a protective wire shield for the marine barge winch to prevent any serious injury to marine crews in the event of wire breakage.

Project description
Marine barges are installed with a winch made of steel wire rope used for barge anchoring and hauling weights during operation. Seawater corrosion and abrasive wear will cause the winch wire to degrade over time, thus increasing the likelihood of breakage. However, winches are widely used in the marine industry without proper protection or covers. The marine barge winch stores a tremendous amount of energy under load. In the case of breakage, the wire can violently snap back in as whiplash effect, potentially causing serious injury to those involved in the winching procedure and anyone nearby. Wire breakage related accidents happen often in the marine industry and pose a high safety risk. Hyundai Engineering and Construction therefore took the initiative to introduce a full cover for the marine barge winch to protect the marine crews from the winch wire snap.
In their reclamation project in Singapore, Hyundai Engineering and Construction is monitoring the effectiveness of the shield, making it mandatory for marine barges to be installed with the winch wire shield and pre-inspected prior to commencement of works. The company has also put in place stringent daily checks of the marine barge winch to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Immediate intervention will be carried out should any non-conformance be observed during the daily pre-operation checks.
One of the main factors considered during the design of the innovation was that it had to be strong and easy to use for marine crews. Consideration was also given to the maintenance aspect of the wire shield to ensure maintenance works can easily be carried out without any safety lapses. This is achieved via the modular design of the winch cover shield. The planning of the layout of the marine barge winch is equally crucial as this will determine the position of the modularised system shield so it does not interfere with other machinery/ marine operations. Once fitted, the protective shield is easy to use as it is permanently fixed to the marine barge deck throughout the work process.
5th nomination: Jan De Nul − ‘Bollard Step’
Designed by crew, Jan De Nul’s bollard step is designed to transform mooring equipment into a safe and secure step on which to make marine transfers.

Project description
Jan De Nul’s bollard step has been designed by crew, creating a solution which is both easy and quick to use, and is low on maintenance. Designed by crew, the bollard step transforms mooring equipment into a safe and secure step on which to make marine transfers. The main materials used are steel and anti-skid grating. The latter creates a safe surface from which one can make a safe transfer in between two vessels, or from a vessel to the shore. The fact that the bollard step is quick and easy to use is reflected in the way it is mounted: two persons can effortlessly carry the step, and put it in place without extra securing measures.
The fact that the bollard step is not a fixed structure gives an operational advantage: the deck space is not restricted as the bollard step can be dismounted at any time (e.g. when cargo needs to be lifted on deck), nor does it need to interfere with mooring operations. If mooring operations would be jeopardized, then bollard step can simply be removed or it can be placed on an alternative bollard. The design is adjustable to different types of bollards and could be extended with a longer surface to step on or made adjustable in length. A simple and clever solution, the step creates a safe and steady platform where there could never be a step-over zone. Based on basic drawings, local workshops can create such steps matching the conditions of locally hired vessels.
There are several step designs that can be used on a variety of vessels. The innovation will also increase safety of crew transfers on small CTVs. Future enhancements of the design could include an adjustable platform at the end to cope with different project locations. One benefit is CTVs that otherwise might not be suitable during a project could be used thanks to the bollard step. Depending on the cost of the CTV, this could result in considerable savings. The costs of the prototype were considerable low at around 250 euros.
4th nomination: Boskalis − ‘Self-moving traffic barrier’
Boskalis is in the start-up of a new company for its Self-Moving Traffic Barrier (SMTB). A prototype of the easy to move barrier has been built to be used in the A9 project.

Project description
The idea of a Self-Moving Traffic Barrier (SMTB) came about during the Houtribdijk project and was submitted to the Boskalis Innovation Challenge. Due to ecological restrictions, it was not possible to move barriers during the night. This meant everything had to be done during the daytime, which not only caused traffic congestion but on occasion also unsafe situations. Hence, Boskalis came up with the idea of a Self-Moving Traffic Barrier (SMTB) – a barrier that can easily be moved and creates a safe work environment for all its employees. The design of the barrier is robust making it a safe construction and its use can also prevent having to close a road, in turn avoiding possible inconvenience to road users.
The barrier was developed with a team of Boskalis employees and external partners. A prototype has since been built for the A9 project where it’s implementation will play a role in the safe continuation of the project activities next to regular traffic. Dredging projects with infrastructure related aspects can also benefit from the SMTB. It provides a safe and efficient way to guide traffic closely related to the project traffic and activities.
Rijkswaterstaat has also shown interest in the innovation, which is important since its regulations for use of barriers in projects is one of the essential factors of success for the SMTB. A pilot of the system has already been used and tested with great success. Boskalis is now in the start-up of a new company to develop the SMTB making it available for the entire dredging and infrastructure industry.
An innovative quick coupling system for floating pipeline that reduces the manual handling to one single operation, creating a safer, faster and watertight floating-pipeline connection.
APT Global Marine Services’ quick coupling system creates a safer, faster and watertight floating pipeline connection. The innovative system for floating pipeline reduces the manual handling to one single operation. Furthermore, the pipelines are floating during the coupling, which results in minimal use of the crane and excludes any (heavy) lifting. All this while the connection is solid and watertight.
By excluding lifting operations, the potential safety threat from working underneath the pipeline is eliminated. In addition, the hands-free connection removes the risk of hands being injured by the flanges. Furthermore, the connection of two sections of pipeline is established by one single spanner operation in a matter of minutes, which reduces the amount of handling to the bear minimum. Lastly, the influence of external factors such as weather and sea conditions is less.
The system is both simple and intuitive for crew to use and operate. The male and female part of the quick coupling attaches to the existing flanges of a pipeline. No additional equipment is therefore necessary. First few prototypes were built and tested on different projects with different pipe diameters. Crew to operational management were extremely enthusiastic about the system, all giving positive feedback. From each prototype, the first improvements were made and implemented.
The system is a prime example of using an existing simple principle for a solution to a high-risk operation. Removing a floating pipeline ahead of bad weather to prevent damage or for shipping to ensure extra clearance of large vessels, can be done in minutes using the quick coupling system. Potential improvements to further increase the system’s safety potential include a flexible axle to improve the accessibility of the turning nut for the spanner operation. This would allow the tightening of the axle from the assisting vessel without the need to climb onto the floating pipeline.