A new method to economically evaluate adaptations pathways
The consequences of climate change are becoming more apparent and mitigation measures alone are no longer sufficient to prevent its impact. Investing in adaptation measures has become inevitable. However, the uncertain future conditions and the high associated investment costs puts pressure on making the best choice. Adaptive pathway planning is considered as a promising approach to develop flood risk reduction strategies that can adapt to changing circumstances. However, limitations in the existing evaluation methods pose challenges in the choice for the best strategy.

New paper: Integrating dredging in sustainable development
Based on the Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure book, IADC publishes a paper on Integrating dredging in sustainable development which is based on the book.

Integrating dredging in sustainable development
The paper Integrating dredging in sustainable development outlines the philosophy and concepts of sustainability and its application to water infrastructure projects focusing on practical issues for dredging.

Integrating dredging in sustainable development
The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) aims to inform the world about the fundamental need for dredging as well as advocating for an industry that makes the world a safer, better and more sustainable place to live. Adapted from the second chapter of the book, Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure (2018), this article presents the concept of sustainability in relation to dredging projects. It describes the approaches and practices that are key to using dredging and dredge material to create more sustainable solutions and infrastructure – a modern way of thinking about dredging.

Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects

IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”.
IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”. It presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.

Sand as a Resource
The paper Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.

Climate Risk Overview tool: mapping naturebased flood protection opportunities
The planet is facing enormous challenges caused by human activity, increasing the vulnerability of communities and ecosystems to the forces of nature. This is worsened by the effects of climate change, which is threatening the world’s coastal defences. Van Oord has responded to these challenges by developing the Climate Adaptation Action Plan. The plan is designed to encourage meaningful dialogue between stakeholders in order to provide ready-to-scale marine solutions that help increase the resilience of the communities and ecosystems of coastal areas.