Fact Sheet: Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
The new IADC-CEDA Fact Sheet "Beneficial Use of Dredged Material" is now available in the IADC Knowledge Centre.

Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
The Fact Sheet "Beneficial Use of Dredged Material" describes methods and answers questions about how to deal with large quantities of sediments in relation to dredging projects and ecological developments

Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure
The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure gives state-of-the-art guidance on how to design, implement and manage a water infrastructure project with a dredging component to project owners, regulators, consultants, designers and contractors.

Randle Reef Sediment Remediation: Current Status of Construction and Next Steps
Randle Reef at Hamilton Harbour, an Area of Concern (AOC), is the largest site in Canada contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). A collaboration of municipal and federal entities is working on remediation measures.

Remediation dredging (Contaminated sediments)
Remediation dredging is the name given to clean-up operations specifically aimed at removing contaminated sediments that can endanger marine and human life.

Soil Improvement
“Facts About Soil Improvement” describes how to accelerate the consolidation of reclaimed land increasing its strength to bear the weight of construction.

Dredged Material as a Resource
“Facts About Dredged Material as a Resource” describes the true nature of dredged material, which contrary to common opinion, is usually clean and usable.

Confined Disposal Facilities
“Facts About Confined Disposal Facilities” describes the special closed areas that prevent contaminated sediments from being released into the environment.