Integrating dredging in sustainable development
The paper Integrating dredging in sustainable development outlines the philosophy and concepts of sustainability and its application to water infrastructure projects focusing on practical issues for dredging.
IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”.
IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”. It presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.
Sand as a Resource
The paper Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.
Did you miss the webinars on sustainable finance for marine infrastructure projects?
A replay is now available!
Did you miss the webinar on the Multiple Benefits of the Hondsbossche dunes?
In the webinar the results of the Sustainable Asset Valuation assessment of the Hondsbossche Dunes was discussed.
Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of Nature-Based Coastal Protection in the Netherlands
Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of Nature-Based Coastal Protection in the Netherlands: An economic valuation of the contribution of the Hondsbossche Dunes sand nourishment to climate adaptation and local development.
Valuing the Multiple Benefits of the Hondsbossche and Pettemer sea dunes
The Multiple Benefits of the Hondsbossche and Pettemer sea dunes, valued by IISD through the SAVi methodology
Bio-Engineering Sediment Management And Removal of Turbidity Technologies: BESMART Technologies
At Deltares in the Netherlands, a research team is developing a portfolio of technologies dedicated to the management of the finest and most challenging fraction of soft sediments. These technologies may unambiguously be called nature based because they make use of natural processes to enhance dewatering and strengthening, induce flocculation and the settling of fines, and protect the muddy bed from erosion.