Integrating dredging in sustainable development
The paper Integrating dredging in sustainable development outlines the philosophy and concepts of sustainability and its application to water infrastructure projects focusing on practical issues for dredging.
IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”.
IADC presents paper “Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects”. It presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.
Sand as a Resource
The paper Sand as a resource: Best practices to conduct responsible dredging projects presents best practices for optimal use of scarce sand resources, on both project and operational levels. Every stage of a project presents opportunities to increase the sustainability of sand extraction.
Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure
The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure gives state-of-the-art guidance on how to design, implement and manage a water infrastructure project with a dredging component to project owners, regulators, consultants, designers and contractors.
Flexibility in Port Infrastructures
The use of flexible and sustainable-solutions infrastructures should be promoted – though initially more costly, these may prove economical over the whole life cycle of a port.