Annual Report 2020
In this “Annual Report” the Board gives an overview of the state of affairs of IADC and its activities in 2020. The report highlights various projects that the Association has undertaken for the year.

Annual Indexation (2023): A guide to cost standards for dredging equipment 2009
The annual indexation (2023) for A guide to cost standards for dredging equipment 2009 is available.

The Dredger Register 2020
The most complete and up-to-date register of dredging equipment.

Dredging in Figures 2019
Dredging in Figures is an annual review of the global dredging market.

Annual Report 2019
In this “Annual Report” the Board gives an overview of the state of affairs of IADC and its activities in 2019. The report highlights various projects that the Association has undertaken for the year.

Dredging in Figures 2018
Dredging in Figures is an annual review of the global dredging market.

Annual Report 2018
In this “Annual Report” the Board gives an overview of the state of affairs of IADC and its activities in 2018.

State-of-the-Art of Designing and Constructing Berm Breakwaters
2003, softcover, 58 pp., PIANC, ISBN: 2-87223-138-2 Up-to-date information on the design and construction of berm breakwaters. Manuals and guidelines for different types of breakwaters and coastal structures have been issued before this time, e.g. the Shore Protection Manual (1984), CIRIA/CUR (1991), CUR (1995), and PIANC (1992). The types of breakwaters treated in these manuals and reports have mainly been conventio