2008 | hardcover | 400 pp. | Taylor & Francis | ISBN: 978-0-41545-0805
This book is out of print and has been replaced with an updated book. To read more about Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure, click here.
Based on the famous CEDA/IADC series this edition takes a holistic view emphasising environmental evaluation procedures, implementation of environmental control measures, and specialised environmental dredging equipment.
Please contact the IADC Secretariat if you are interested in a copy.
The IADC/CEDA book ‘The Environmental Aspects of Dredging’ is now also available in Russian language.
Expanding a port, deepening a navigation channel or creating new land for development, introduces changes to our physical, social, economic and political environment. Changes may result from events during the construction process, or relate to the nature of the completed structure. Changes can be positive or negative, short-term or long-term, and may affect the immediate vicinity of the project or a larger geographical area. Predicting and assessing all possible effects of a planned dredging activity in a scientifically-sound and reliable manner is essential, so that appropriate control measures can be taken to avoid or mitigate unwelcome impacts. This book provides guidance for a complete holistic environmental evaluation procedure and for the design and implementation of environmental control measures. The book is of particular interest to engineers, government agencies and port authorities, as well as civil engineering consultants and contractors involved in planning and designing dredging, maritime infrastructure and fluvial projects.