Quay Walls (handbook of Quay Walls)
This new edition of the handbook of Quay Walls provides the reader with essential knowledge for the planning, design, execution and maintenance of quay walls, as well as general information about historical developments and lessons learned from the observation of ports in various countries.
Geotechnical & Geophysical Investigations for Offshore and Nearshore Developments
A handbook providing geotechnical and geophysical data acquisition techniques for characterising offshore and nearshore soil conditions. Download Click here to download the PDF 'Geotechnical &am
The Rock Manual Edition 2007 – The use of rock in hydraulic engineering
This updated manual is a revision on the publications Manual on the use of rock in coastal and shoreline engineering (CIRIA, CUR, 1991) en C169 Manual on the use of rock in hydraulic engineering (CUR, RWS, 1995).
Hydraulic Fill Manual
This manual, a first of its kind, is an ideal reference for all involved in the development of such infrastructure projects.
Underwater Surveys
“Facts About Underwater Surveys” describes why surveys are crucial to a well-executed dredging project and the technologies and instruments being used.
Underwater Drilling & Blasting
“Facts About Underwater Drilling & Blasting” describes when explosives are necessary to dredge rock and the techniques used to drill and blast effectively.
Soil Improvement
“Facts About Soil Improvement” describes how to accelerate the consolidation of reclaimed land increasing its strength to bear the weight of construction.
Site Investigations
“Facts About Site Investigations” describes the many aspects of an investigation and why they are an integral part of all marine construction projects.