Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of Nature-Based Coastal Protection in the Netherlands
Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of Nature-Based Coastal Protection in the Netherlands: An economic valuation of the contribution of the Hondsbossche Dunes sand nourishment to climate adaptation and local development.

Injection Dredging
Thoroughly researched and vetted by PIANC’s Maritime Navigation Commission (MarCom), Report 120 Injection Dredging introduces a “young” dredging technique.

Dredging: A Handbook for Engineers
The classic reference work on dredging for port authorities, engineers, consultants, contractors and students, and recommended for institutional, corporate and government libraries.

Dragado para el Desarrollo (Dredging for Development)
A clear non-technical introduction to the complex field of dredging, published in co-operation with the International Association of Ports & Harbors.

Dredging for Development
A clear non-technical introduction to the complex field of dredging, published in co-operation with the International Association of Ports & Harbors.

Beyond Sand & Sea
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the IADC, a limited edition book 'Beyond Sand & Sea' was released. It shows the last 50 years of dredging achievements as depicted through 50 iconic projects.